The game of Satta Matka is fast, fun, and addictive. But don’t let the simplicity of the game fool you—it takes hard work to be on top of your game in Satta Matka. If you want to be the best in Satta Matka, these 5 tips will help you get there faster than anyone else in the market!


Formulate strategies, don’t follow them

There are plenty of strategies out there. They’re all probably being used by someone else. I suggest you formulate your own and then, when you see them working, change them up. That’s what worked for me with my 1-3 bet number guessing strategy. I didn’t follow anyone else’s rules or regulations about where to bet and how much. It doesn’t matter how much others win or lose because at any given time someone is always going to be better than you and someone is always going to be worse than you. What matters is that you look after yourself first and don’t spend more than you can afford too!


Limit your losses – let profits run

You’ve likely heard of let your profits run. If you’re unfamiliar with that concept, it means that if you have a winning position, don’t cut your winners short. Let them ride. How many times have you looked at your portfolio and been surprised by how small of gains some positions made? Don’t let those losses happen!


Use stop loss wisely

One of your responsibilities as a player is to set stop losses. A stop loss is an exit point you can set on each game which triggers your position closing at or below a predetermined price level. This can save you from major damage caused by sudden spikes in volatility and other factors that affect prices beyond your control. It’s important to understand how both stop loss orders and market orders work, so here’s an explanation for anyone who needs clarification: A stop loss order is designed to protect your downside; it will automatically close out any open positions when its designated price limit is reached, no matter where the market currently stands. A market order will execute based on prevailing market conditions; it will buy/sell once someone else has met that price point.


Stick to your strategy

A big part of playing satta matka well is sticking to your strategy. If you wager on even numbers, it’s best to stick with that till you get either a win or two consecutive losses (which means those particular numbers don’t work for you). Similarly, if you find that particular game isn’t giving good results for you, then it may not be worth your time and money. A little patience will go a long way when it comes to satta matka! Sometimes, just taking one night off can do wonders for your bankroll!


Give it time – it pays off

The most important thing to understand about satta matka is that success takes time. The players who do it day after day, week after week, and month after month, are seeing success – even if they don’t realize it right away. The players who try for a week or two, then give up when things aren’t happening quickly enough for them usually see no return on their investment whatsoever. In short, it pays off big when you take your time with it. If you just want quick money and don’t mind losing what little you have as soon as possible, then go elsewhere - because quick money won't happen here!


Follow and unfollow users strategically

It may sound pretty straightforward, but properly following and unfollowing users is one of many small steps that can lead to significant growth. Those who follow more people than they are followed by typically grow faster. Here's how it works: Follow people who follow you back, and unfollow those who don't within a few days. This is sometimes referred to as pure following. Each time you sign into Twitter, make it a point to check your follower list for those who have stopped following you back or have very few followers themselves.


Play less – win more

One of your biggest challenges when playing classic matka is managing your bets. In other words, you’re always tempted to place an extra bet just in case. This mindset can get you into trouble fast because, win or lose, every bet you place will affect how much money you’ll have at stake next time around. To minimize risk and maximize potential earnings, we recommend keeping your betting bank as even as possible throughout each round by only placing one wager per round at most. Yes, it’s boring – but boring is safe! That said: take on as many chances as you like with bonus money! If there's ever a reason to go big - matkas are it!